Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sharing process on Lunation prints

This blog is for the participants in the upcoming print exchange book "Lunation: 21 days of darkness and light" to use to share and discuss ideas and work in progress. Any participant can post to this blog.

“Lunation: 28 days of darkness and light” will be a book about the relationship between humans and the cosmos with a focus on what it means to be female and experience the rhythm of the lunar cycle. Participants will be asked to consider the amount of illumination visible during a particular day of the lunation and roughly translate that relationship of light and dark value into their print. Ideally, the book will have a flow from mostly darkness to mostly light and then back to mostly darkness again, giving unity to the diverse ways that each of the participants interprets the theme of the book.
Participants are welcome to consider these themes as possible inspiration for their prints: cycles of life and creativity such as menstruation, ovulation, fertility, motherhood, and menopause as well as how these physical experiences inform our understanding of dark and light, growth and loss, fluids and tides, mystery and dreams, mortality and the cyclical passing of time.
Size: 10 x 7 inches, landscape orientation - Paper should be flexible, text-weight paper with the grain running in the 7” inch direction (parallel to the binding).  Any printmaking or papermaking medium is welcome, but please leave a full inch on the left-hand side of the print to accommodate binding. Any imagery printed in this area will not be visible in the bound books.
Edition: 35 total - of these, 29 sets will be bound into books and distributed to each of the participants. Two sets of prints will be reserved for exhibition; one bound and one unbound. The remaining books will be available to donate to museum collections.
Fee: $50 per participant, due with the completed prints. This fee will help cover costs of binding including covers, colophon and thread, plus return shipping. Each participant will be responsible for the cost of shipping or delivering the prints to me.
April 17, 2013: Intent to Participate Due - Please respond via email to
May 8, 2013: Finalized participant list posted and lunar phase assignments sent to participants
July 26, 2013: Digital image of working proof, bio and artist statement due
October 25, 2013: Final prints and $50 fee due
January 10, 2014: Books mailed to participants and possible exhibition.

Exhibition and collection recommendations: I am hoping to exhibit the lunation book and prints in 2014, both locally and nationally, as well as donate several copies to collections. Please send me your recommendations for exhibition venues and collections that you think would be interested in our book. If you know someone personally and think I should drop your name specifically in my exhibition proposal, please let me know.

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